Updated October 21, 2022
New covers going up!

Many moons ago I had the idea of creating a few mock Doc Savage covers
featuring the Man of Bronze in adventures with other iconic horror,
fantasy and sci-fi characters. Gathering my copies of the Bantam Doc paperbacks
with the wonderful cover art by James Bama and Bob Larkin, illustrators extraordinaire,
(yes, my set is complete, thank you) and other found images I lovingly
created the pastiches you see below.
A special thanks to Kevin Beckett for his invaluable assistance in creating the orignial 24 back cover blurbs for these titles.
New cover designs created by Keith "Kez" Wilson
Original cover brilliance by James Bama, Fred Pfeiffer, Boris Vallejo and Bob Larkin
All copyrighted characters, names, and images featured on this site are copyrighted by their various respective owners.
"Doc Savage" and the Doc Savage Logo � by Conde Nast.
Supersaga 183
100% James Bama
Supersaga 184
Gojira Millenium
Supersaga 185
Creature Feature
Supersaga 186
Doc vs. Drac
Supersaga 187
The King and Doc
Supersaga 188
Hyde and Seek
Supersaga 189
Are you my Mummy?
Supersaga 190
His hair was perfect
Supersaga 191
He's not there
Supersaga 192
Fun with Fu
Supersaga 193
Scarecrow Rides Again!
Supersaga 194
Doc Zombie
Supersaga 195
Big Bird
Supersaga 196
Supersaga 197
This means WAR!
Supersaga 198
Beastly Island
Supersaga 199
Got Gort?
Supersaga 200
Triple Header
Supersaga 202
Fangs Alot
Supersaga 202
WHO are you?
Supersaga 203
The Devil You Say...
Supersaga 204
Newly Unearthed Classic
Supersaga 205
The Eye Has It.
Supersaga 206
Doc and the Doctor
Supersaga 207
Doc has a hunch(back)
Supersaga 208
Dinner is served!
Supersaga 209
White Wedding!
Supersaga 210
Big Hugs
Supersaga 211
Music of the Night
Supersaga 212
The Hills Are Alive!
Supersaga 213
For Whom the Bell Tolls!
Supersaga 214
Snow Beast
Supersaga 215
Beast Takes Manhattan
Supersaga 216
Doc Savage Fleeced!
Supersaga 217
Yikes! A Ymir!
Supersaga XMAS-08
Doc Better Watch Out!
Supersaga 218
Doc and his Shadow.
Supersaga 219
Fu you, Doc.
Supersaga 220
The Man of Stone?
Supersaga 221
Doc gets Shell Shocked.
Supersaga 222
Look! Up in the sky!
Supersaga 223
Supersaga XMAS-09
Bumbles Bounce!
Supersaga 224
Buffy Rules!
Supersaga 225
Resurrection Day!
Supersaga 226
Save every one of us!
Supersaga 227
Master of Men!
Supersaga 227
Rare Pulp Cover!
Supersaga 228
Space Carrot!
Supersaga 229
One Big Bug!
Supersaga 230
Ancient Evil!
Supersaga 231
Evil Alien!
Supersaga 232
Temperature Tantrum
Supersaga 233
Bronze meets Bond
Supersaga 234
Fierce Bad Rabbit
Supersaga 235
Star Trekkin'
Supersaga 236
Thing of Terror
Supersaga 237
Strings Attached
Supersaga 238
Supersaga 239
Shark Bait!
Supersaga 240
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Supersaga 241
Meddling Kids
Supersaga 242
Substitute Ghost
Supersaga 243
Bombshells and Angels
Supersaga 244
Monkey Business!
Supersaga 245
Hi-yo, Silver!
Supersaga 246
Where is Thy Sting?
Supersaga 247
To the Batcave!
Supersaga 248
Butch the Savage Kid.
Supersaga 249
Ding Dong
Supersaga 250
The Devil Inside...
Supersaga 251
Bronze vs. Steel
Avenger 38
Bats, Man!
Supersaga 252
He's a Mean One...
Supersaga 253
Da-DUM, Da-DUM...
Supersaga 254
She's a Wonder!
Supersaga 255
Adventure on High!
Supersaga 256
Grisly Griswold!
Supersaga 257
Invisible Enemy!
Supersaga 258
Rotten Big Apple!
Supersaga 259
Not to be Refused!
Supersaga 260
Bad Take-Out!
Supersaga 261
Tangled Webs!
Supersaga 262
Supersaga 263
Supersaga 264
Bad Santa!
Supersaga 265
It's About Time!
Supersaga 266
Love is in the Air!
Supersaga 267
Supersaga 268
Pikachu Peril!
Supersaga 269
Double Trouble!
Supersaga 270
Double Trouble!
Supersaga 271
Rumble in the Jungle!
Supersaga 272
Not So Jolly!
Supersaga 273
Murder Mists!
Supersaga 274
Mean Green!
Supersaga 275
Big Apple 'Bot!
Supersaga 276
Supersaga 277
Supersaga 279
Monsters Fight!
Supersaga 278
Bad Dreams!
Supersaga 280
Oompa Loompas!
Supersaga 281
Star Spangled!
Supersaga 282
Avenging Doc!
Supersaga 283
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